the Violet
News Roundup 2
16 May 2020
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Some more news for the year of A Voyage to Arcturus's centenary year:

• You can watch Phil Moore's musical version of A Voyage to Arcturus at the Voyage to Arcturus Musical page. And there's a review of the show at the Table Water for Two blog. Update to the update: The full musical is available to watch, without country restrictions.

• Douglas Anderson has written an article on the publication of David Lindsay's novel The Violet Apple at his A Shiver in the Archives blog.

• Dan McClenaghan revisits Ron Thomas's 2001 album Scenes From A Voyage to Arcturus in a "reassessing" review at "The architectures of these fourteen compositions seem shaped from the sonic clay of an alien world..."

• Publication of the Penguin edition of A Voyage to Arcturus has been delayed from September (100 years to the month when Methuen first published it) to the end of January 2021 (that's if it's not further delayed by the pandemic).

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