the Violet
News Roundup 5
18 September 2020
Cover of Savoy Books edition of A Voyage to Arcturus

Some more Lindsay-related news, 100 years to the month when A Voyage to Arcturus was first published:

• Edinburgh-based Lanterna Magicka Films have uploaded some interview segments of people talking about David Lindsay's work, including: Alan Moore, Harold Bloom, John and Gene Pick, Brian Stableford, David Power, Stuart Kelly, Gavin Wraith, John Herdman, and J Derrick McClure.

• Douglas A. Anderson wrote a post on the Wormwoodiana blog on the centenary of A Voyage to Arcturus.

• Also on Wormwoodiana and of Lindsay interest are several themed posts by Mark Valentine: a timeline of The Esoteric in Britain in 1920, and a two-part investigation of Metaphysical Thrillers (continued in Edwardian Esoterics).

• John Coulthart, designer of the Savoy Books edition of A Voyage to Arcturus, wrote a post on the centenary at his blog, feuilleton.

• And I wrote a post on my own blog, too, on how I first came across the book and started this site.

All news items